Product Certification


Who Should Apply?

  1. Individuals or Entities operating Animal Slaughterhouses for export
  2. Manufacturers or traders of the following products intended for the GCC market:
    • Meat products
    • Products with long shelf life period
    • Cosmetics and Personal Care products
    • Gelatine
  3. Food Services:
    • Hotels and Restaurants
    • In-flight Operations and Catering
  4. Other Services
    • Medical Tourism – Hospitals and patient care centers
    • Halal Friendly Tourism

Exceptional customer service

Step-by-step guidance from on-line registration to issuance and tracking of your certificate

Customized for your needs

• Certification of Halal products
• Halal Awareness and Implementation Training
• Laboratory Testing
• Second party audits and Inspection

Ship your brand to world

Certification from recognized brand adds value to your products and becomes your selling point.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Are you ready to take it to the next level?