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Halal Asia Services LLP (HAS)

Certification Body (CB) providing Halal Certification to Manufacturers and Service Providers. HAS is the first CB in India to have both ISO 17065 & UAE.S 2055-2 accreditation provided by GCC Accreditation Centre (GAC), Saudi Arabia and approved by Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (ESMA), Government of United Arab Emirates.
We are also involved in other Certification activities like Emirates Quality Mark (EQM), Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS) which is a product certification scheme being implemented by the ESMA Govt of UAE to the conformity granted to the product that complies with the relevant UAE national standards, Regional and or International standards. The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) is empowered to lay down rules for granting certificates of conformity and quality marks and to organize the issuance and rights of use of such certificates and marks by Govt of Saudi Arabia.
All your halal certification needs under one roof.
HAS is a partner company of GulfTIC Certification LLC, Dubai, U.A.E, which has its wings in Saudi Arabia and other GCC, European Countries and Russian Federation.

Gift Your Customers Pure, Hygiene and Safe Products and Services Today.
Halal Asia Services has processed the documents and is ready to be accredited as a Halal Certification Body by other renowned Certification Bodies like JAKIM, MUI, MUIS to provide conformity assessment services to suppliers of Halal food and Consumables products and services intended for the UAE market and other countries.
Get Conformity certificate and Mark to your Products/services
Accreditation of HAS
- ESMA – Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology, UAE
- GAC – GCC Accreditation Centre, Saudi Arabia.
Association of HAS
- Halal Chain
- Aladdin Street
- Halal Certification Hyderabad
- Halal Days, Ernakulam
- Aalim Research Institute (ARI), Chennai
- FIEO – Food Import Export Organisation
- AIFPA – All India Food Processors Association
Improve you skills in Industry
Halal Training Programs
The courses are dynamically designed to bridge the knowledge gap and enlighten the compliance requirements set forth by the regulatory bodies like ESMA, JAKIM, MUI, and MUIS. HAS training team effectively studies and designs the training interventions that is required for individual companies to get acquainted for the certification standards.
The training provides the individual with integrated knowledge and skills for the role of supervisor or management to work in any industry.
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We’re the very first Certification Body going to introduce the “Block Chain Technology” in India & Africa. Follow us for more updates.
Your Products are now available world-wide
Halal Asia Services has processed the documents and is ready to be accredited as a Halal Certification Body by other renowned Certification Bodies like JAKIM, MUI, MUIS to provide conformity assessment services to suppliers of Halal food and Consumables products and services intended for the UAE market and other countries.
Our (Clients) Success
Love of our customers throughout the country